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Daniel and Emmanuela had being dating for over a year; however, it is obvious that Daniel wasn’t in control of the relationship. Emmanuela often have her way in discussions, where they go, etc, it was quite obvious that she was the one in charge. Though Daniel didn’t like some of her behavior which includes bossing him around in the presence of people, yet he went ahead with the wedding arrangement.
Two years into the marriage, Daniel mind snapped and he gave her the beating of her life because she practically white washed him in the party they were both invited too. Today both live in regret for the choice of partner they made, though they love one another yet the feeling has not stopped the arguments they have when they are together. Though they have tried to reconcile their differences, yet their relationship have not improved.
If you look around you, you’ll find people like Daniel and Emmanula, who didn’t put into consideration certain negative trend in their partner’s behavioral pattern until after marriage. Someone said 'Love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener.' I will like to share with you some obvious signs that you shouldn’t ignore before considering marriage.
When there is no mutual respect- If you are dating and your partner doesn’t respect you in front of his/her family members, friends, etc, it is sign of an impending trouble if the relationship leads to marriage. The person you are dating should respect your feelings, opinions on issues, friends, etc and this should be vice versa.
When you don’t vocalize your feeling- It is so easy to bottle up pains, and try to bury them all because we don’t want to hurt others. However, this is destructive to the individual involve, the reason is because unsettled issues always finds its way out in the open. Usually when a person really becomes frustrated he/she may go in to a tantrum and lots of hurtful things will be said which would have better been said earlier.
When you don’t enjoy things in common- Ray Mossholder said, 'Before marriage opposite attracts. After marriage, a husband and wife begin to discover how opposite they are.' You will never really be happy if you don’t enjoy what you partner enjoys, and if he/she don’t enjoy what you do enjoy doing. Some people try to please their partner by trying to enjoy what he/she likes, but in the end they get frustrated.
When you will not listen to the opinion of others about your prospective spouse- A Nigerian proverb says, ‘A dog that is doomed to be lost will ignore the whistle of its master.’ When you close your ears to godly counsel about the relationship that you are in, you are setting yourself up for a lot of trouble in the future with your partner. Never forget that you cannot watch your own back, you need people to do that for you- your parents, friends, Pastor, neighbor of your partner, etc. Godly counsels matter if you want to have a successful marital future.
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